Redwood City, California, 94063
Waxxx & Glow is a premier facial spa located in Redwood City, California. This spa specializes in a range of wellness treatments designed to provide an escape from daily stress. Guests experience a serene environment where relaxation and rejuvenation come together. The spa offers a variety of services, from soothing massages to specialized facial treatments, ensuring each visit revitalizes both body and spirit.
Located at 171 Fifth Ave Suite 204, Waxxx & Glow caters to the unique skincare needs of its clients. The expert aestheticians employ high-quality products and advanced techniques to enhance natural beauty. Each facial treatment is tailored to individual skin types, promoting a refreshed and glowing complexion. The tranquil ambiance of the spa complements the professional services, making every visit a memorable experience.
Waxxx & Glow prioritizes customer satisfaction and wellness, establishing itself as a trusted name in Redwood City. The spa’s commitment to quality and personalized care attracts a loyal clientele. Each treatment aims to deliver noticeable results, helping clients feel confident in their skin. The blend of skilled staff and a calming environment creates an ideal setting for relaxation and self-care.
Experience the exceptional services offered at Waxxx & Glow in Redwood City, California. This spa excels in providing personalized facial treatments and wellness services. Connect with Waxxx & Glow today to begin a journey towards rejuvenation and tranquility.