Tallahassee, Florida, 32304
Teresa Broxton, Director
E-mail: [email protected]
Nelson Andrews, Probation Supervisor
E-mail: [email protected]
Shakonda Beamer, Senior Officer
E-mail: B[email protected]
Jeanette Gaskins, Senior Officer
E-mail: [email protected]
The Probation Program is responsible for the supervision of clients who have been sentenced in the second judicial county and traffic court and to direct the toward successful completion of court ordered conditions and mandates in lieu of incarceration.
As a public entity, providing services to the court, the program is charged with the following responsibilities:
Case management is provided to approximately 1700 clients per month. Clients are assessed a $55.00 per month fee for their cost of supervision. More intense supervision is a feature of the Domestic Battery and DUI caseloads. We do not accept transfers; however we will assist defendants in identifying comparable programs to complete conditions ordered by the court in their respective jurisdiction. It is the policy of the Division not to transfer cases out of the County, opting instead to place on mail in supervision. Additionally, we provide house arrest, and global positioning satellite monitoring as an alternative to incarceration, where the client is electronically monitored by an ankle bracelet 24 hours a day. Clients pay $35.00 per week for this alternative sanction. The house arrest option allows the client to remain in the community and maintain full time employment to meet his financial obligations.
Community service and work program assignments utilize a court ordered labor force that generate a significant cost savings to the county.
The following is a current listing of Probation/Pretrial Officers:
Shakonda Beamer, Senior Probation/Pretrial Officer; (850) 606-5614;
e-mail: B[email protected]
Jeanette Gaskins, Senior Probation/Pretrial Officer; (850) 606-5613;
e-mail: [email protected]
Richard Zeigler, Probation/Pretrial Officer II; (850) 606-5624;
e-mail: [email protected]
Shawanda Williams, Probation/Pretrial Officer II; (850) 606-5727;
e-mail; [email protected]
Jeanette Gaskins, Probation/Pretrial Officer II; (850) 606-5613;
e-mail; [email protected]
Tandria Milton, Probation/Pretrial Officer I; (850) 606-5612;
e-mail; [email protected]
Flaustina McKinney, Probation/Pretrial Officer II; (850) 606-5700;
e-mail: [email protected]
Marissa Huckaby, Probation/Pretrial Officer I; (850) 606-5623;
e-mail; [email protected]