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American Food Near Me Owensboro, Kentucky

We found the following results containing American Food in Owensboro, Kentucky

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The Miller House

Specialties: American Food, Food & Dining

Upscale-casual restaurant & lounge housed in state landmark offering Southern-tinged American fare.

Owensboro, Kentucky, 42303, United States

Preservation Station Family Restaurant

Specialties: American Food, Food & Dining

A new locally owned restaurant located in the renovated Old West Louisville Elementary School which features from scratch American Ohio Valley Comfort Foods utilizing loc

Owensboro, Kentucky, 42301, United States

Windy Hollow Restaurant and Museum

Specialties: American Food, Food & Dining

Open since 1964 and still serving our Country Ham Breakfast Buffet since 1968! Be sure to look around at all the neat items and history on the walls and tucked away in th

Owensboro, Kentucky, 42301, United States