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Red Wing Collectors Society

Red Wing, Minnesota, 55066

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Red Wing Collectors Society
Phone Number
Show Phone Number
240 Harrison St STE 3
Red Wing, Minnesota, 55066
United States

About Red Wing Collectors Society

The Red Wing Collectors Society, a prominent social club located in Red Wing, Minnesota, serves as a hub for enthusiasts of stoneware, dinnerware, and art pottery produced in the area from 1867 to 1967. Established in 1977, this organization operates from its office situated within the Pottery Museum building, conveniently close to one of the original factories responsible for creating thousands of iconic Red Wing pieces. The society fosters a sense of community among collectors across the United States and Canada, offering numerous membership benefits.

Members of the Red Wing Collectors Society receive a full-color newsletter published five times a year, which keeps them informed about the latest news and events. The club hosts two annual events that provide opportunities for networking and sharing knowledge among collectors. Local chapters allow members to connect with others who share similar interests, enhancing the overall experience of collecting. Exclusive member-only auctions and eligibility to purchase annual commemoratives add value to the membership.

A commitment to education is evident through the availability of members-only resources that deepen understanding of Red Wing pottery. This organization stands as a significant asset to the collecting community, promoting appreciation for the unique history of Red Wing pottery. Engaging with this club opens doors to a wealth of knowledge and camaraderie among collectors. Contacting the Red Wing Collectors Society can provide further insights into membership opportunities and events.

Red Wing Collectors Society Specialties