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Ozarks Healthcare

West Plains, Missouri, 65775

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About Ozarks Healthcare

Ozarks Healthcare operates as a not-for-profit health system located in West Plains, Missouri, serving over 160,000 residents in south-central Missouri and northern Arkansas. This comprehensive hospital provides a full spectrum of healthcare services, including a 114-bed facility, behavioral health, rehabilitation, therapies, and home care services. Specialty and family medicine clinics are also available, ensuring quality care for all ages.

The health system prioritizes patient needs and community well-being. With rural locations across an eight-county service area, Ozarks Healthcare ensures access to essential medical services for diverse populations. The hospital's commitment to excellence is validated by its accreditation from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations, reflecting high standards in patient care.

Ozarks Healthcare's range of services includes advanced therapies, comprehensive rehabilitation programs, and specialized clinics dedicated to family medicine. The organization addresses the healthcare challenges faced by local communities, providing critical support and resources. With a focus on compassionate care, Ozarks Healthcare enhances the overall health of the region.

In summary, Ozarks Healthcare delivers essential medical services, prioritizing community health and well-being in West Plains, Missouri. The organization’s commitment to quality and accessibility is evident through its various offerings. Connect with Ozarks Healthcare for reliable healthcare services in West Plains.

Contact Information

Company Name
Ozarks Healthcare
Phone Number
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1100 Kentucky Ave
West Plains, Missouri, 65775
United States

Company Details

Ozarks Healthcare Specialties