Woodsville, New Hampshire, 03785
Iron Rail Pub & Grill offers a diverse selection of delicious American cuisine in Woodsville, New Hampshire. This local American restaurant provides a variety of options, including appetizers, pizza, sandwiches, burgers, pasta, entrees, salads, and soups. With a commitment to quality and flavor, Iron Rail Pub & Grill serves the community with a welcoming atmosphere and a menu that caters to all tastes.
Located at 24 Railroad St, this establishment operates on a schedule designed to accommodate various dining preferences. The restaurant is closed on Mondays and Sundays, while it welcomes guests from Tuesday to Saturday. The hours of operation from Tuesday to Thursday are 11:30 am to 10:00 pm, with the kitchen open until 8 pm. On Fridays and Saturdays, guests can enjoy dining from 11:30 am to 11:00 pm, with the kitchen serving until 9 pm. A limited menu is available during the later hours.
Iron Rail Pub & Grill has garnered a reputation for its inviting ambiance and consistent quality. The restaurant’s menu features a range of American favorites that appeal to families, friends, and individuals alike. With a focus on providing a satisfying dining experience, this local gem continues to thrive in the heart of Woodsville.
Explore the extensive menu and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere at Iron Rail Pub & Grill. This establishment excels in delivering quality American cuisine. Visit 24 Railroad St in Woodsville for a memorable dining experience.