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Glavinka Logic, LLC

Summerfield, North Carolina, 27358

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Company Details

Contact Information

Company Name
Glavinka Logic, LLC
Phone Number
Show Phone Number
6936 Maynard Rd
Summerfield, North Carolina, 27358
United States

About Glavinka Logic, LLC

Glavinka Logic, LLC provides a diverse range of freshwater aquarium shrimps and plants, all cultivated indoors in Summerfield, North Carolina. This local business specializes in selling various types of shrimp, aquatic plants, and essential aquarium equipment. It caters to both novice and experienced aquarium enthusiasts, ensuring a vibrant underwater experience for all.

The commitment to quality sets Glavinka Logic apart. Each shrimp and plant is nurtured in optimal conditions, promoting healthy growth and vibrant colors. The selection includes rare and popular shrimp species, allowing customers to create unique aquascapes. The knowledgeable staff offers guidance on maintaining a thriving aquarium environment, ensuring customers make informed choices.

Glavinka Logic also emphasizes sustainability in its operations. By growing plants and shrimp indoors, the business minimizes environmental impact while providing fresh products. This approach reflects a dedication to both customer satisfaction and ecological responsibility. The local community benefits from having access to high-quality aquarium supplies right in Summerfield.

With a focus on freshwater aquariums, Glavinka Logic, LLC delivers exceptional products and expertise. The business continues to grow, supported by a loyal customer base. Visit the store at 6936 Maynard Rd in Summerfield, North Carolina, to explore the extensive offerings and experience the passion for aquatics firsthand. Connect with Glavinka Logic for top-notch aquarium supplies today.

Glavinka Logic, LLC Specialties