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Italian Food Near Me Cleveland, Ohio

We found the following results containing Italian Food in Cleveland, Ohio

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Michaelangelo's Italian Restaurant & Wine Bar

Specialties: Food & Dining, Italian Food, Italian restaurant

Upscale Piedmontese cuisine is served in an elegant carriage house with a fireplace & wine bar.

Cleveland, Ohio, 44106, United States

Il Venetian

Specialties: Food & Dining, Italian Food, Italian restaurant

Classic Italian fare & drinks in an elevated dining room with high ceilings & natural light.

Cleveland, Ohio, 44114, United States

Maxi's Bistro

Specialties: Food & Dining, Italian Food, Italian restaurant

Bi-level bar & restaurant serving classic Italian fare & pizza in a relaxed setting.

Cleveland, Ohio, 44106, United States


Specialties: Food & Dining, Italian Food, Italian restaurant

Quaint fixture serving up classic Italian fare, wine & desserts in a cozy setting.

Cleveland, Ohio, 44106, United States

Trattoria Roman Garden

Specialties: Food & Dining, Italian Food, Italian restaurant

Casual restaurant & bar with a menu of Italian faves & jars of its signature sauce & salsa for sale.

Cleveland, Ohio, 44106, United States

Santo's Italian Restaurant

Specialties: Food & Dining, Italian Food, Italian restaurant

Italian fare in a strip-mall setting, offering pizza & stromboli from housemade dough.

Cleveland, Ohio, 44130, United States