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Bar & Grill Restaurants Near Me North Charleston, South Carolina

We found the following results containing Bar & Grill Restaurants in North Charleston, South Carolina

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Big Billy's Burger Joint

Specialties: Bar & Grill Restaurants

Oscar's of Summerville, a high-end restaurant with a focus on Southern cuisine and a wide wine selection.

North Charleston, South Carolina, 29418, United States

Bonefish Grill

Specialties: Bar & Grill Restaurants

Brecks Steakhouse, a high-end steakhouse in Charleston with a focus on premium steaks and seafood.

North Charleston, South Carolina, 29418, United States

Breck's Steakhouse

Specialties: Bar & Grill Restaurants

Ireland's Own, an Irish pub in Charleston with a focus on traditional Irish dishes and drinks.

North Charleston, South Carolina, 29406, United States